
Neeko trainslation
Neeko trainslation

neeko trainslation

This video of me vs Aphromoo is great at highlighting the power of starting Shapesplitter into Tangle-Barbs.

  • If enemy team is AP this is great as it makes you very tanky but at the same time enables your team to do 10% more damage to the people you are CCing.
  • The effects of this are halved for ranged champs so you should wait until your adc has at least 3 items to make this item effective. Only get it if the enemy is all AD and they keep diving your adc.
  • This item is good if you are wanting to peel your adc as it makes your adc do more damage to the people you root off them.
  • Redemption triples healing power so the 20% healing power on Mikael's Blessing becomes 60% on Redemption. If you get this then pair it with a Redemption.
  • If the enemy team has a lot of cc like a Thresh Ashe bot with a Veigar mid and a Fiddlesticks jungle then this item can save your adc 1200g on a qss and really solo carry a game.
  • If you combo this with Hextech Rocketbelt you aren't really reducing your all in dmg and you are increasing your survivability. The heal is good, it can give vision to scout baron, can be used while dead and does 10% of the enemies hp as true dmg. It is the cheapest item in the game costing only 2100g and it literally does everything. If you are ever falling behind just build this item. Fun fact I first hit diamond rushing this item with aftershock every game.

    neeko trainslation

    The AoE slow at the end makes it so whoever you are ulting cannot escape even if they flash.

  • If you team is missing engageor you are facing an all AP team then this item is perfect.
  • neeko trainslation

    It also Provide a damage boost for you and your teammates next 3 spells. This item provide engage/disengage for not only you but your whole team.If the enemy team is stacking MR and you are trying to be a big damage source then Void Staff is a must as it greatly increases your damage potential.Also it makes you tanky which is always good on Neeko as you are usually front lining with your Pop Blossom Since it does %hp dmg it is very good vs tanky teams.If not snowballing don't get it as its expensive. basically when you land your root the rest of your combo will do 10% more dmg. Also when you disguise using Inherent Glamour the enemy cannot see the spell shield making it easy to bait key enemy spells. Good if enemy has a lot of AP champs or long range spells you want to block like Zoe sleep or Blitzcrank hook.You can rush Oblivion Orb as it is only 800g and applies the anti heal. Great item if the enemy team has a bunch of healing champs such as Soraka, Darius or Ekko.The active is good for scouting but Neekos Shapesplitter does that job well enough so you will probably just use it for engage/disengage. This item offers no defensive stats so I usually build this as a 3rd item. Decent item to round out your build at the end as it is cheap and easy to complete with not many open slots.This is a really expensive item and you may not complete it every game which is why I don't like building it unless I have to.

    neeko trainslation

    Zhonya's Hourglass is only needed when the enemy has champions that can 1 shot you before ult lands like Katarina or Rengar.With Ap, Hp and CDR idk what more you could ask for in an item. It also can be used as a tool to dodge spells or push waves. You can use the rocketbelt to extend the Pop Blossom range just like a mini Flash. (note: you can mix items from ap, enchanter and tank builds)

    Neeko trainslation